To architect… making the post-conflict visible (11-12th September 2013, 9am – 6pm)

Post-conflict tools

You are now entering architecture...

To architect’ is a two day micro-residency in PS² exploring ways to make visible and communicate some of the prevalent conditions faced by architects and other spatial practitioners during and post violent-conflict in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

In one sense ‘to architect’ is the first line of a ‘Get-Well-Soon-card’ to the profession of architecture as it struggles to recover from bouts of recession, questions of relevance and its role in society. In another sense it is highlighting the lesser known act and process of architecture;  how and why architecture happened and continues to happen, in addition to the more commonly understood definition as the individual professional who designs buildings (architecture as product).

The event will ask: What does it mean to be an architect here in Northern Ireland?, how has the architect and practicing architecture changed during and after the thirty years of violent conflict? and how best to inquire into this situation, in order to expose and explain the conditions that spatial practitioners, such as architects, have to operate within today, and therefore how practice may shift in the future.

To architect, is an opportunity to tell untold stories about Northern Irish architecture through drawing and visual re-presentations. Visual stories of architecture, involving the architect and others here in Belfast will be re-presented and pinned up on the walls and window of PS² to create a growing storyboard for passersby to read, digest and reflect upon. Further discussions within PS² will be visualised and a series of working prototype drawing devices will be on display.

The curator and researcher of this project, Paul Bower, will be on-hand over the two days (between 9am and 6pm) to respond to questions and enter into conversations with interested visitors about the research and the work-in-progress. The display will expand over the two days as Paul continues to re-present conversations with architects, clients and users and co-professionals in Belfast.

Paul Bower is an architecture PhD student from the School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast.

PS² = (Paragon Studios / project space), is a small artist collective, with studio space in the centre of Belfast.
Alongside the studio space, PS² uses a former shop, project space, on the ground floor of the building as a platform for art projects and cultural activities which often include fringe sites in the city and further afield.

The focus of PS² is on urban intervention and social interaction by artists and cultural practitioners, architects, multidisciplinary groups and theorists. Experiment and risk, social relevance and artistic quality are key elements of a diverse programme; from installations to projects with communities, classes, talks, curatorial residencies and research.

18 Donegall Street

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